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How does one say “join my religion” or “join my church” when speaking to someone?
There are a lot of “church” churches. The Church sees them as believers who, according to their principles, are submissive to them and are their Lamb. The church founded by Christ is a group of men guided by the Spirit of Christ. Christ has not founded religion.

Freely you have received, freely give. (Matthew 10: 8).

The church that makes money in the name of God is the church that makes money in the name of God for everything: the sacrament of the sacrament, the tomb of the tomb, the big tomb, the small tomb, thanksgiving, the offering of gifts, the gifts of the feast

The world needed the gospel as light. But what they put before the common man is religion and terms.

“Identify by outcome.”

“The time is coming when you will not worship your Father on this mountain or in Jerusalem. You worship what you do not know. We worship what we know.” (John 4:21)

“The time has come for true worshipers to worship the Father in spirit and truth. No, it is just now. (John 4:23)
