Religion has devoured the nation in most countries, even though there is a secular and religious based community among the castes. The church of God has no particular religion or nation! But they shall dwell between the two. Spirit-driven Christians who are members of the church of God are not followers of any religion. They are believers who worship the true God in spirit and truth.
On February 11, 2019, Pope Francis and Sheikh Ahmad al-Taiba, the chief Imam of the Sunni Islam community, signed the MoU. During their meeting in Abu Dhabi, the two men agreed on a deal that could revolutionize the world’s social, political and sphere. This meeting was held in the presence of many representatives of the world’s religions, beyond the understanding of the Catholic and Islamic communities. Through the concept of the Declaration of Fraternity, the aim is to create unity between religions. According to the official statement of the Vatican Embassy, the agreement to establish and pray for the unity of people of different religions was established after a long period of hard work. The pope stated that the God-given telephone number extends his hand to the agreement. Hundreds of world religions are eagerly watching the Covenant in the prevailing social context.
The way of religion is never the way Jesus taught.